Monday, April 18, 2005

Japanese twists that make sense...

...baths work so much better if you shower and get the whole 'getting clean' bit over and done with first.
...baths should make you sweat, to really clean those pores.
...chopsticks give you all the functionality of a knife and fork, but one-handed, so you don't need a table.
...why not use toilet water to wash your hands? A bit of re-engineering and hey-presto! instant water saving (to counter all those long relaxing baths).
...expensive rice really is that much better.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Been incommunicado since April 1st due to some kind of bureaucratic snarl up with my ISP. I'm up and running again now though, and some good shit been happening in the meantime:

I'm now 25, and exceedingly pleased with the level of inebriation I achieved to celebrate that event.

I started on a new kanji course and blitzed over 350 kanji in 12 days! It's abso-fucking-lutely incredible how easy it's been, and all thanks to James W. Heisig being a genius. For anyone out there that's interested you don't even have to speak Japanese to do this self-study course and the first 125 pages of his book 'Remembering the Kanji' are free online right here.

Check it out.