Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Super-size me

The economies of scale seem to function differently in Japan. Buying a 24 beer crate results in a saving of a few yen over buying 24 individual cans. A stick of French bread roughly doubles in price as you scale the volume and the same goes for numerous and sundry other staples.

Then you have this thing with Coke. I quite like the idea that there are plenty of people out there who will choose to buy the smaller can.

I have no idea where this picture was taken. I'm glad I took it though.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Japanese toilets

Seems like Japanese toilets come in one of three flavours: 'The hole in the floor'; 'The throne' with heated seat, control panel and innumerable dials and buttons and this, 'The afterthought'. I'm not a big guy, so I could at least get the door closed, but still...