Tuesday, January 17, 2012


So many people to see, so much time to see them in. How did we manage to make it seem difficult? I don't seem to have a single picture with James, Jonny, Bano, Emma or Iain in it either, which sucks.

And then we spent 5 months in the UK.

I have no cultural commentary or observations to make here.

Tel Aviv and back, back in the U.K.K.K.

6/19/2011 - 6/23/2011

That title seems dated and implies the UK is horribly racist. Perhaps I should have thought of a better one, but it is kind of catchy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Haifa, Hadas and Sruli

6/11/2011 - 6/19/2011

Our penultimate stop in Israel was an idyllic ten days at Hahotrim kibbutz with the wonderful Hadas and Sruli. The kibbutz isn't really a kibbutz so much any more, at least not in the traditional sense, with most of the people there working outside the kibbutz and just pooling some money for communal resources.