Tuesday, February 01, 2005


For those of you that worry (thanks for the e-mails!):

It's not caused by Epstein-Barr, and all the usual suspects have been ruled out. Dr. Miyazaki said it's the worst case of Infectious Mononucleosis he's ever seen, and my fever topped at over 40C. Having said that, my white blood cell count is dropping (from 70%), my swelling and fever are decreasing and he estimates I'll be back to 'normal' fever levels in about five days.

Check-ups and IV every day.

I've lost eight of the seventeen days paid leave I'd saved, which really sucks. At this rate I won't get to travel Japan until I quit =(


Anonymous said...

Dude! You've totally got a blog! Wasn't I nagging you to get one about a year ago? No wonder you've not mailed in ages.

Sorry to hear you're not well :(

You know what'll make you feel better? Look out the window. See that? Is it Coventry? No. Feel better?

benkyo said...

Cool! I feel better already =)

Yeah, sorry the emails dried up - I figured this was more efficient. So, uh, which one of the Coventry crew are you anyway?

Anonymous said...

I believe that last one was Iain. Sorry to hear you were ill but I am glad its all getting better.

Dr Miyazaki, is he also a creative genious?

Anyway keep on posting, the closest I get to Japan is opportunistically asking Sachiko if she knows a good soup recipe without being rude. There aren't a great deal of Japanese students here, at least not comapred to the 20% of undergrads being Chinese. Where do they get the cash? I have been invited to a chinese new year party in Tocil, its likely to be very obscure especially after a 12 hour day.

By the way shirt collars are the same all over the world. Viva la slave wage vida.

Everyone in my house (me included) is having a frenzy here over World of Warcraft, god help us all. The 2Mb connection is on the way......

Anyway, more mundane from Coventry as and when I get it.


Anonymous said...

Yep, 'tis Iain.

I had a brief go on WoW, but TBH it's no where near as fun as City of Heroes, so I'm out!

I'm sure it gets more fun, but there's a big difference between: "Welcome, warrior. Go get me some water" and "Welcome, hero. Here's a gun - go and clear up those thugs".


benkyo said...

2M? Woo =P

I asked how much the prices differed between 1-47M and the response was 'not much', so 47 it was.

Incidentally, I'm playing Anarchy Online as 'Benkyo' because it's free. Don't know if I want to spend any money on such a soul-sucking concept as a MMORPG, otherwise it might well be CoH for me...