Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Toothpaste and tabacco

I picked this up without reading it first, and I should have known better. Salt flavoured? Fucking salt- motherfucking- flavoured toothpaste?! Gack!

In happier non- gag-reflex- inducing news the best ever anti-smoking campaign continues to entertain.


Scott said...

Simply awful. Did they have miso and shouyu flavors too?

benkyo said...

Apparently salt is the most common after mint (it's 'good for your gums'!), but Chiro has mentioned aubergine, strawberry, tea flavoured varieties... any of which would have been preferable to using brine paste!

Anonymous said...

BWHAHA! PWND by toothpaste lol.

I had strawberry toothpaste when I was little cos my brother didn't like the mint. Fucking revolting.
