Monday, April 03, 2006


Just a random selection to illustrate the varieties of English mauling over here: the verbose, the word collisions, and the wonderfully nonsensical.

Got a shiny quiet new computer as a birthday present to myself, realised I didn't have a hub and the hard drive cables weren't compatible with each other so spent a good half-day transferring all my music over in itty bitty chunks using my iPod nano. Joy.

Having said that, silent running makes it all worthwhile!


Anonymous said...

Dude, Happy Birthday!

I don't know when your Birthday is, but I've just had mine too. What's happened to your little shuttle, and what do you have now?

I want a Japlish T-shirt. I can wear it at the geeky drinking weekends I have and all the NTSC japanese language version importers will be all like "Dude, l337".

benkyo said...

Old shuttle went to a friend, new shuttle is the SD11G5 silent model =)

The next really terrible japlish T-shirt I see has your name on it.

Anonymous said...

Youdaman :D

benkyo said...

Just as long as you're aware that I set foot in clothes shops about once a year, on average, and then it's usually only to accompany a female shopper, so that time may yet be a long way off...

Anonymous said...

Unless I don't mind wearing womens clothes? Only at weekends :)